Congratulations to Ruth of Rhradcliffedesigns.etsy.com. She is the winner of this weeks' Hot shop~
I have always been a fan. She is an amazing artist. Take a look in her shop and you'll agree.

Here is her interview. Lets get to know her better~
1. Who is rhradcliffedesigns? Rhradcliffedesigns is the alter ego of ruth hill radcliffe. (as well as elephantdreams and earwingsandthings ). Its been my umbrella for the past 20 years covering all the art and life I live.
2) What kind of crafting/art do you do? How long have you been doing it? Wow, let's see. I've been making and living art since I was in elementary school. I love painting (both art wise and walls), drawing and photography. I also love learning new mediums and have flirted with mosaics, weaving, fiber work and jewelry. I am dying to learn to knit.

3) Where do you pull your inspiration from? Not to sound too trite, but the world around me. I'm drawn to bright colors, patterns and textures.
4) What is your favorite medium? This is a tough one to answer. But I would have to say there is a tie between photography and painting. Photos provide a jumping off point for just about everything I do, and painting is an off shoot of what I see behind the lens.

5) Is etsy your full time job, or just a side project? I would love to say it was my full time job and it does take up much of my time, but I would also have to say its just an expression of who I am and the inspiration to keep working even when financial times are tough. It's nice to say "oh I have an ETC challenge" and have it produce a different and unique piece of art. Etsy is also my social network at the moment.
6)What is your favorite thing to do with the Etsy Texas craft Team? I love the swaps both promo and gift. I also like the sharing during Monday sales events.

7) Any tips for other Artists? Inspire yourself. See what you do as the jumping off point, not unlike working in a series and letting one thing flow into something else. Its amazing how far you can take one idea.
8)Tell me a secret about yourself. Well, if I told it wouldn't be a secret. But I'd say it would be the fact I'm a died in the wool introvert. This doesn't come across on the internet since you're behind a screen.
Thanks Ruth for sharing about yourself and your art.
Want to become next week's Hot Shop? Take a look in Ruth's shop, rhradcliffedesigns.etsy.com and post back here with your favorite item. You'll be entered in next week's drawing!
Oh, I would have to say my favorite in this shop is In search of Dandelions. I do so love the blue bonnets in the foreground. I am a diehard Texan where bluebonnets are concerned.
My fav is still "wash day Melaka 1998". I come back to it everytime I visit.
Congrats Ruth! I am so pleased you are the HotShop this week!
As a Texan, I marvel at artists who can capture the simplistic beauty all around our great state. "In Search of Dandelions" is the epitome of spring in Texas. Bluebonnets on the highway and backyards and along railroad tracks and in ditches. It's not spring until the cars are parked along a bluebonnet field and Mommas are taking pictures of their babies in the bluebonnets.
wow what amazing artwork!
YAY!!! I have been a BIG FAN of Ruth's for a long time!!!!!!!
My favorite works of hers:
RHRadcliffeDesigns = How Much Is That
ElephantDreams = ALL her sunflower photos, especially Sunflower for Milly!
EarwingsAndThings = Here kitty, kitty, kitty (LOVE this necklace!!!)
Milly / thistlecraft.etsy.com
Ruth, You know I am a huge fan of your work. How many times have I had you in my treasuries? I have to force myself from adding you in my Houston Treasuries I've featured you so much!!! And Ruth knows my very favorite item and it's the watercolor painting of watercolors. And I am honored to own one of these prints! You surely deserve to be featured!
Congratulations Ruth!!! Yay!
Picking just one is very difficult. I love the zinnia that got picked for the article, but I'm going with http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15807999 , to pick something that I had to hunt for.
Gorgeous Watercolors. I love them all! She has been one of my favorites for a while. Great post and thanks for this wonderful series.
I absolutely love Tulips in the Light! All of your works are amazing. It is so much fun getting to know our team members a little better. I love this series!
Suzanne in Abilene
I've admired Ruth's artwork in all forms since I "met" her on Etsy. She has such a great eye for the beauty that abounds on this earth...and she has traveled it extensively.
I have one of her photographs hanging in the bedroom, which never fails to give me a serene and peaceful feeling. The Cyclamen 1 painting is one of many I'd love to own. She has definitely captured one of my favorite plants perfectly!
Just a little side note....Ruth is a BRAT! I mean that affectionately.
Wow - beautiful work! I love all of Ruth's work, but I think my favorite is http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=6344451 followed by "Tools of the Trade". I also love the cactus paintings.
I love the egg painting from Ruth's shop.
I usually browse your photography store-elephant dreams, it was nice to go view your work in rhradcliffedesigns too. I always say, you either have it or you don't, and you definitely have it it!
Great interview! I can really relate to "Tools of the Trade." I minored in art and dabbled with watercolors, but you passed me up a long time ago! You are truly talented and yes, you have it! Love this one . . .
My favorite would be the "Hats on a Rack" because I love hats. I've done several hat suncatchers and plant stakes in glass, so I really love this Painting.
I had a difficult time choosing a favorite so I settled on 2. Tools of the Trade and All Fruit Day. I love how well she captures the details. The all fruit day actually made me want to go grab some watermelon. Ha! :) Congrats Ruth, you deserve it!
Holly Moulder
My fave is the tulips aceo
I'm thinking of adding it to my collection! Tulips are my favorite flower and Ruth, you are so incredibly talented!
There are so many beautiful works of art,I had to pick the first two I loved. Wash day and the Tulips were reminders of home when I was a little girl. Mom hung out the wash and she planted beautiful tulips every year that brightened up the cold weather of Ohio in the spring. Your interview was captivating as well. Thanks. Hugs Kat
Congrats Ruth! Ruth's paintings are amazing and I LOVE her photography!
THis is my favorite piece from her RHRadcliffe designs shop:
Primarily Phuket.
I had no idea there was an island named Phuket.
Ruth your work is incredible!
I love this "Cyclamen" painting: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=13373872
You've got a great collection!
I love Ruth's watercolors and pick Sunflowers in Parts, especially liking the mix of ink and watercolor. Plus, growing up in Kansas, I've gotta love sunflowers right? :)
Thanks for sharing, Ruth!
I have to agree with Grandma Marilyn- my favorite is the In search of Dandelions. I love bluebonnets!
Nice pick for the feature! Gorgeous work!
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